When I first started running, the only equipment I needed was a decent pair of running shoes. With this marathon project I have undertaken, I have found that the paraphernalia required and list of things to do before starting has increased to the extent that I now need a checklist before I go on a long run.
Firstly, check toenails are short with no sharp edges. It has happened before that I come back from a run to find blood on my socks after a nail has slowly sliced into the skin of the adjoining toe!
Vaseline to prevent chafing in susceptible areas.
Micropore tape for the nipples, see above.
Suncream for bald head. If it is very cold I wear a woolly hat, but on most days sunburn is the danger.
Sweatband, to keep sweat mixed with suncream out of eyes.
Camelback preferably filled with a mixture of water & fruit juice, to stay hydrated on very long runs. I’ve been lent this item by a friend at my running club, and it has proved invaluable.
Running shorts with a decent pocket – preferably sealable, to keep car key safe, if not using the above.
Mobile phone, with camera, for photographing key points on the route.
Arm pouch for above.
Garmin for recording and measuring the route.
Wind up torch if running after dark. This has been very useful. I don’t need to use it often, and mostly for alerting others (like cyclists) to my presence, but the fact that I can recharge it whenever it gets dim is very reassuring, and means I don’t have to carry spare batteries and stop to swap them over in the dark.
Plastic bags to sit on in car at the end of the run, to save the car seats. Plastic bag and change of shoes if running shoes are likely to be very muddy.
Warm top to put on at end of run if there’s a danger of getting really cold when I stop.
Map, if exploring a new route. It is sometimes essential to carry one, but I find it adds a lot of time to a run if I keep consulting one.
Quite an increase!
I enjoy going through my pre run checklist anticipating the challenge and zest of it